Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you, and the communities of Warren and Union, have questions. Answering questions, addressing concerns and engaging with communities are part of the exploration process. Exiro understands why this is important and wants to is prepared to have these discussions with anyone who is willing to speak with us. Our door is always open.

We are listening to you and want to answer your questions as best as we can. As we continue community outreach, and even expand the information on this website, below are some factual responses to common topics.

Below are some factual responses to common topics we have heard so far from Warren and Union community members.

Who is Exiro Minerals Corp?

Exiro is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on discovering high grade, mineral deposits in safe jurisdictions. Exiro’s business is to review historical geological data and combine this with leading geoscience, technology and environmental/social best practices. Exiro finances exploration through partnerships with investors and has a strong reputation for business and exploration success. Exploration is performed by Exiro in a responsible, safe and sustainable manner in order to create long-term value for all stakeholders, including the communities near its projects.

What is Exiro’s history in the exploration sector?

To date, the Exiro team has generated 35 exploration properties and has partnerships with several reputable mining companies. The Exiro team is a close group of caring people who have worked together in the past in other reputable mineral exploration and mining companies. Our team has a positive reputation and is known for its discovery success and for operating at the highest standards and in partnership with local communities.

Who is on the Exiro Team?

Exiro’s core team has expertise in geology, geophysics, finance, investor relations, community relations and strategic partnerships. Exiro’s advantage is that it has a team of experts with a track record of discovering deposits, while also integrating social and environmental due diligence and community partnership into its decision-making process. All employees and consultants are shareholders, so they take pride and have a vested interest in how Exiro is run.

The Exiro team works collaboratively with external groups and its success is driven by its ability to align with high quality, responsible partners, local communities and other stakeholders.

Why is Exiro focused in exploring in North America?

Exiro’s current focus has been on critical metals, including nickel, copper, and cobalt, which we rely on every day. We need nickel for cell phones, laptops, batteries, stainless steel, electric vehicles and importantly, one of the biggest uses of nickel in the US is in the military and aerospace industries.

Global demand for nickel has been projected to outweigh supply by 2024 because of its essential role in EV batteries and other technologies essential to clean energy.

Is Exiro connected with Blackhawk Minerals?

No. Exiro is not connected with Blackhawk in any way.

Why should I trust a Canadian Mining company?

Canadian mining companies operate in more than 100 countries around the world, making it a global leader. Canadian mining investment overseas generates significant economic contributions to host countries and communities, helping to raise living standards and alleviate poverty where they operate.

Canadian mining investment overseas has a direct positive economic impact on host countries and communities. It’s estimated that 80% of all money spent in building and operating a mine is spent in the host country through wages, local business procurement and payments to various levels of government.

Healthy dialogue continues over the need to ensure that mining projects in the developing world respect human rights, the environment, and public health and safety. As one of the world’s most successful mining countries, Canada plays an important role in this area.

See below link:

7 Reasons Why Canada Is a Global Mining Leader – Bing video


What is Exploration?

The goal of exploration is to locate large, high-grade resources with minimal disturbance to the ground and the environment. Technological advances, including GPS surveying, airborne technologies and down-hole seismic imaging, allow companies to use less invasive approaches to locate new deposits that were previously too challenging to discover with traditional methods. Like research and development, exploration requires healthy levels of investment over the long-term in order to achieve success. Exploration and subsequent mine development are required to maintain the resources we rely on day-to-day for nearly everything we use, including personal electronics, furnaces and hospital equipment.

What is the difference between Exploration and Mining?

The mining process starts with acquiring mineral rights and prospecting. Prospectors hike through the bush to collect rock and soil samples. The search for mineral deposits is guided by geophysical surveys that test how magnetic and conductive the rocks are. Rocks that are found to be anomalous in both geophysical signature and geochemical signature may be targeted for drilling.

Mining happens only if the exploration work reveals an economically viable deposit. This takes several years, a large amount of money, thorough social and environmental baseline studies, and a legal permit before any mining operations can begin.

What is the short-term exploration plan for Warren and Union?

Exiro has not undertaken any exploration activities to date. Our view is that we want a joint process with Union and Warren that gives the communities a voice and role in how this work is carried out.

If communities were in support of exploration, the first activity could be to fly an airborne survey. These surveys are safe, commonly flown around the world and are typically not noticed by communities. There was one flown over Warren and Union in the last few years by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Exiro geologists will also continue to analyze historic data including core samples that were previously collected.

Should the survey result in physical anomalies that lead us to believe that there may be additional deposits under the surface of the earth, the company would endeavour to partner with local land owners and complete a baseline study of surface water by implementing a water testing program.

Why do you need to do more exploration?

The Warren Deposit cannot be mined as it is. The exploration data currently available shows only minerals situated at and near the surface, which would require an open pit mine to access. However, open pit mining is banned in Maine. The work proposed for assessing the surface rocks and any drilling that could potentially take place in the future would be done simply by testing the tenor and quality of the nickel, copper, and cobalt accumulations. By understanding these mineral deposits, it gives geologists ideas on how to look for much bigger deposits deeper in the earth, which could be mined underground.


I am concerned about the environment. How will it be protected?

Exiro’s priority is also to protect the environment and to work with Union and Warren to be stewards of the land. We appreciate these concerns and take them very seriously as they are in line with our concerns and values as well. Our approach is to work with local communities and technical environmental experts to create a baseline of information that can be tracked and monitored.

International standards are very strict and Exiro strives to exceed these standards. Exiro has a track record of working with communities where it has implemented projects and is proactive with regards to environmental and safety management and due diligence.

Videos showing successful examples of Canadian based companies winning the PDAC award for sustainability.

PDAC 2023 Sustainability Award | The Lundin Foundation – YouTube

PDAC 2022 Sustainability Award | Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. – YouTube

PDAC 2021 Sustainability Award | B2Gold – YouTube

Can people safely live around a Mine?

Mining has changed significantly and many people think of mining as what has happened in the past. In today’s world, mining operations can be very sophisticated and production can take place with minimal impact to the environment and people, if it is done right.

(16) Modern Mining 101: Safety and the Environment – YouTube

Mining towns exist all through North America and Canada has some great examples.

The City of Greater Sudbury, one of the major producers of nickel in the world, has 9 mines and 18 schools within the city limits. There are also over 330 lakes with outdoor activities including beaches and boating.

Another example is the Borden Gold Mine in Ontario, which is Canada’s first all-electric mine. The Borden Gold Mine is owned by an American company, Newmont, and is located near a lake with numerous cottagers. A significant amount of collaboration went into working with the local cottagers before the mine went into production.

Borden – Goldcorp’s Building a Mine of the Future – Bing video

Other examples in Red Lake (Ontario), Thompson (Manitoba), and Timmins (Ontario).

Major mining companies are also aggressively looking for new ways of mining that protect the environment and people.

If a rock with metal is exposed at surface, does it remain inert?

Any rock exposed at surface can be weathered and therefore, cannot be considered inert. Weathering is a natural process that affects all rocks. In fact, geologists look for iron staining on the surface of rocks as an indicator of the presence of minerals that contain various metals.

What happens after a mine closes?

Closure plans and posted bonds to cover the costs are part of the mine permitting process.


What are the financial benefits to a community with mineral endowment?

Revenues and taxes earned by governments and communities as a result of exploration and mining are higher than other industries. Furthermore, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of jurisdictions with mining far outweighs revenues from other industries including Agriculture and Tourism.

Money spent on exploration activities is significant and would be coming from outside the jurisdiction. Early-stage exploration can cost between $100,000 and $10 million or higher. The activities require local support through hiring local people, procuring from local businesses, and by paying taxes on these various activities. Tax revenues for the State and municipal governments include revenues through corporate income tax, property tax, fuel tax, and payroll tax. In addition, mineral exploration and mining companies are known for supporting local community initiatives through sponsorship of local community organizations.

Should mineral exploration lead to the discovery of a new mine, local revenues would increase and towns with mining operations nearby tend to have higher quality facilities such as schools, hospitals, sports complexes, and community support for the less fortunate.